CG64 Claus, Dortmund
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О себе
5 card Major with NT 15-17
(33m: 1C --] Walsh-Stile // 44m: 1D)

2C --] Gameforcing or NT 22-23/26+
5 card Major with NT 15-17 
(33m: 1C --] Walsh-Stile // 44m: 1D) 
2C --] Gameforcing or NT 22-23/26+ 
2K --] W2 M or Semiforcing M or NT 24-25 
2C --] C + ?? 4-10 HCP 
2S --] S + minor 4-10 HCP 
3NT --] Gambling 
leads: 2./4./6. (2. also from weak holdings) 
high from any sequence, but variabel from AK or KQ (K ask Count) 
UDCA, reverse Smith-Peter in NT 
discards: direct (suit) and LAV (NT) 
В клубе19 лет